A percentage of HPPC’s total budget is allocated for the Missions Ministry, chaired by Nancy Corwin and Ann Shipherd. The committee decides on the organizations and amounts to be donated during the year. (See end of article.)In addition to monetary donations, the congregation joins in supporting projects throughout the year. The projects are publicized and members respond generously to requests for donations of needed items. If you would like to “champion” one of these projects, please see Nancy or Ann, or
email the church office.
Manna Bags – Available for $3 on the first Sundays. Bags filled with nonperishable food, water, and toiletries you can keep in your car to give to those in need.
Mother’s Day Diaper Drive – Please bring diapers of all sizes to support this program for Beth-El Farmworkers and honor all of our mothers and motherly figures. Donation box is in the foyer. Note “Diaper Drive” for monetary donations; ends May 12.
Drop Off Your Drawers! – Please “drop off” new/unused
socks and underwear for school-age children to support Clothes For Kids, providing new and quality used clothing to low-income or in crisis school-age children. Begins in June, ends July 18.
End 68 Hours of Hunger – This program feeds over 850 students during the 68 weekend hours when many children experience food insecurity or go hungry. Needed items include canned tuna or chicken, instant oatmeal or grits, canned fruit or veggies, condensed soup, individually wrapped snacks, etc. Drop them off by the Pantry near the Willow doors in the main hallway. Ongoing.
Other ministries supported monetarily by HPPC Missions: Beth El Mission; Haiti Nursing; HPPC Member Crisis; Judeo Christian Clinic; Meals on Wheels; Metro Ministries; Mission Directed Projects; The Spring; Thornwell’s Building Families.