Legendary teacher Kim Brannan’s Bible Study Class is back!
If you’ve been looking for a meaty and theologically sound understanding of God’s Covenants, this class is for you. Kim has long been one of HPPC’s most cherished teachers. Her broad and deep knowledge of scripture, combined with her lazer-sharp insight and fresh analysis, are irresistible. And it’s all delivered in her brisk, funny, no-nonsense style.
Her classes are a combination of lecture and interaction, and there’s no such thing as a dumb question or comment. If your idea of a Bible study class is dull and dusty, think again!
The class is held every Sunday after the 10 am morning worship service, between 11 am – 12 pm, November 7 – December 19 in the Learning Center.
The Promises of God: Leaning on the One who Keeps His Word
The whole concept of “covenant” is foundational to understanding Scripture. Kim is leading the class each week in a study of each of the seven covenants of God to His people throughout history.
Those covenants include the Adamic Covenant, Noahic Covenant, Abrahamic Covenant, Mosaic Covenant, Davidic Covenant, New Covenant, and the Everlasting Covenant.
During these weeks, each new promise of God will reveal to us His character, His love for us, and how He interacts with us right now. Discover how you can trust and lean on the One who keeps his word.