Sunday, Feb. 5: Save a Life, Get a $20 eCard!
Hop on the Big Red Bus at HPPC, recline, sip a soda, and give the gift of life. You’ll get a long-sleeve t-shirt and a $20 ecard good at places like Target, Walmart, Amazon and more. Make an appointment HERE or just come by between 9:30 and 12:30.
TONIGHT!Feb 1: Judeo Christian Health Clinic
Kelly Bell, Executive Director of the Judeo Christian Health Clinic, Inc. will be sharing with us the mission and impact the Judeo Christian Health Clinic is having in the Tampa Bay area and the ways we may support or become involved.Feb. 8: Family Fire Education Join us for a hands-on fire safety experience brought to us by retired firefighters within our community. All ages event. Feb. 15: Life is Sweet Valentines’ Party Share the love with friends during this all ages fellowship night with themed bingo, activities, and prizes. All ages welcome.
Linger Longer: February 12th children can linger longer after worship till 3pm. Lunch is provided. You may register and pay through the church center.
In Person Worship & Communion at 10 am; also Live Streamed.
At 10:00 am, Click To View Online Worship Service, or watch it later.Sunday School for all ages after worship today.
Vacation Bible School Summer Day Camp
July 24-28, 2023Join us for a full week of summer day camp at HydePark Pres led by the highly-skilled experts from Cedarkirk. The theme for this year is A Fruitful Faith.
Register your children to join a week of fun games, outdoor playtime, arts and crafts, music, Bible stories, and lessons on opening our hearts to learn, grow, discover, and build community together. Lunch and snacks are included. For children entering Kindergarten through 5th grade. 20 spots available. Email Miss Ilma with any questions:
Dates: July 24-28
Time: 9-5pm (Mon to Thur); 9-2pm (Friday)
Price: $220.00 per child Register on Church Center
Kim Brannan’s book now available on Amazon!
Quiet Conversations
Kim Brannan has published a book based on a Bible study she created at our church, and it’s now available on Amazon.
Are you curious about God and His role in your life? Do you wonder how you can know more about Him and experience His presence? Does knowing God make a difference in how you choose to experience life? If so, Quiet Conversations is the book for you.
Leighton Ford update: the leadership of HPPC will be engaging over the next few months to pinpoint key areas of priority, exploring key issues related to our worship, ministry, outreach, education, membership, building and staff to create a comprehensive plan for HPPC.
How can we all best help?
By Committing to Pray!
How often? TWICE A DAY.
WHEN? At 8:28 am and 8:28 pm
Why such an odd time? Praying at the same time, twice a day, will help us get into a predictable habit. We have chosen this specific time to unite all of us with the promise of Romans 8:28 which proclaims … “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to His purpose.”
We believe that we are called by God and we desire to see His will and purposes fleshed out here at HPPC. Join us. Pray twice a day at 8:28!!
Children’s Education opportunities:
HPPC has opportunities for you to share the love with the younger generation. Contact Miss Ilma to find out more about about volunteer options with Children’s Education.
Your Link to Life & Events at HPPC
Download the app for Church Center from the App Store
Search/locate HydePark Presbyterian
Fill out ALL your family information, including children.
Improvements are constantly being made, and it’s even easier to register for events, child care at events, dinner at events and pay for it right there.
Need help!? Bailey is available after worship to help get you get set up and Sarah is also available in the Learning Center.