January 25, 2024 – Newsletter

Sun. Feb. 11 Super Bowl Party
Mark your Calendar for Sunday, February 11th, for an “All Church” Super Bowl Party starting at 5:30 pm, with the Kick-Off at 6:30 at the home of Tony & Jane Brannan. Delicious Pulled Pork will be served. Desserts and beverages will be provided. We encourage guests to bring Appetizers or Side Dishes. Invite a friend! This is an easy way to introduce others to our fun, church family!
Sign up on the Pew Pad if you are planning to join us.

Gasparilla Parade Parking
Corner of Willow & Swann never looked so good!

Sat. Jan. 27 Pirate Fest Parade
Day-of parking will be sold for $25 starting at 10:30 am; first come, first served.
Another bonus of attending Hyde Park Pres: You can contact Chris Bosworth (813-362-5871) in advance to reserve a spot.

Bring a Can of Soup to the Super Bowl Party
to benefit End 68 Hours of Hunger.

Campbells Condensed Chicken Noodle Soup is specifically requested; those smaller cans don’t weigh down the bags too much!

So grab a few cans on your next trip to the store, and bring them along with your app or side dish to share to the Super Bowl Party on Feb. 11th!

Sun. Feb. 11 Linger Longer
Plan on letting the kiddos stay after Sunday School for a special program, lunch and fun with Faith and her team.
Register and pay ($10 per child) on Church Center.

Sun. Feb. 11 Super Bowl Party 5:30pm
Bring a friend, an app or side dish, and a can of soup!

Mon. Feb. 12 Rev. John H. Hougen begins as HPPC’s full-time Interim Pastor.

Tue. Feb. 13 Mardi Gras

Wed. Feb. 14 Ash Wednesday (First Day of Lent) and Valentine’s Day!

Sunday, Jan. 28 Worship in the Sanctuary at 10:00 am

“The Parable of The Good Samaritan” Luke 10:25-37
Brian Malek, Ordained Elder

Classes for Adults and Children after Worship. Nursery opens at 9:45. Children are “shepherded out” of Worship after the Children’s Time.

The Worship Service will be live-streamed on our Hyde Park Presbyterian Church YouTube channel under LIVE!  CLICK HERE to go to the page.


HPPC’s Parking Lot Gets a Facelift
Sat. Feb. 3rd, starting at 9:00 am

The lot will have the parking stops painted or replaced, lines repainted and 2 handicapped spaces recreated. All cars must be removed by Friday, February 2nd.

Prayer Request
Prayer Request