June 7, 2023 – Newsletter

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The New Life Group Meets June 20th
Young adults are planning to meet monthly starting on Tuesday, June 20th at 6:30 pm for dinner and Bible study at Carol and Bob Kline’s house (1206 Suffolk Drive, Tampa, FL 33629).  Dinner will be from 6:30-7:30 pm with Bible study to follow. We will meet every third Tuesday of the month (no child care).
RSVP (hopefully) on Church Center … or just come!

New Lower Price! $175 for full day camp!
Vacation Bible School Summer Day Camp
July 24-28, 2023; 9-5pm (ends at 2 pm Fri.)
Pass the word to all your friends! We need some more campers for Vacation Bible School!Join us for a week of full day summer camp at Hyde Park Pres led by the highly-skilled experts from Cedarkirk. $175 per child entering Kindergarten – 5th grade. Email Miss Ilma to register: children@hydeparkpres.com
CLICK HERE to register on Church Center.
June 11th  – Kids Linger Longer and Parents Play!
Parents can enjoy Brunch, Lunch, Shopping, Me Time … while the kids stay after Sunday School until 3 pm under the excellent care and fun and lunch with Miss Ilma and her crew!  CLICK HERE to register on Church Center.
In Person Worship in the Sanctuary at 10 am
Guest pastor Rev. Sam Picard
Rev. Sam Picard started his career in ministry as a tent-making pastor, splitting his time between leading small congregations in Philadelphia and Rochester, NY and working as a paramedic. After moving to St. Petersburg in 2014 he began attending, and later became lead pastor of Missio Dei, a New Worshiping Community focused on serving neighbors who are homeless or housing insecure. He also works for BayCare Health System on community partnerships for behavioral health.
“Called to Welcome and Adventure”  
Genesis 12:1-9, Matthew 9:9-13 and Romans 4:13-25Children’s & Adult Classes immediately follow Worship.

Adult Class June 11
How God Reveals His Will
From Max Lucado’s book “The Great House of God”, Chris Bosworth will facilitate a discussion on a chapter titled “How God Reveals his Will”.  After we hear readings from the chapter, we’ll ponder issues like, “what ignites your heart?” and “how do you assess God’s plan for your own life?”.Join us for this class, and to share ideas about the rest of the summer!
June 4th Lunch & Brainstorming Session

Last Sunday, June 4th, following an inspiring worship led by Rev. Holly Dillon, Executive Director of Tampa Bay Presbytery, church members gathered for a Salad Luncheon in The Learning Center.  The room was filled to the brim and laughter echoed in the halls as everyone enjoyed visiting together.  After lunch, we broke into four groups to brainstorm and generate ideas for the four key priorities set by the Vision Committee for our church this year:   Worship & Music, Fellowship, Visitor Welcome Program and Building & Property.

It was encouraging to experience a sense of energy and enthusiasm about our future.  Many new ideas were suggested, and now the process of prioritizing and planning will occur by Task Forces.  Stay tuned to hear details with new developments.  Dates will soon be announced for special-planned Fellowship activities for all ages.

It’s Not Too Late!
Love Gift for Rev. Friesen
If you would like to give a love gift to the Friesens in appreciation of nearly seven years of service, you may contribute to the fund for a spiritual restoration retreat designed for pastors.Please make your check payable to HPPC and be sure to designate “love gift” in the notation line. Or check Love Gift in Easy Tithe or Church Center.

Highlights from the May 30th Monthly Meeting of the HPPC Session:

— Two special guests from Tampa Bay Presbytery attended the meeting:  Rev. Holly Dillon, Executive Director of Presbytery and Stacey Quick, Ph.D., Chair of the Presbytery Commission on Ministry.  These guests presented and discussed an important policy in the Commission on Ministry Manual “Separation Ethics: When Pastor and Congregation Say Goodbye.”

— The concept of Separation Ethics is important when a pastor leaves a congregation, such as we are experiencing now at HPPC.  The Session made a decision to mail a hard copy to all members so that they clearly understand the concept and will abide by the recommended guidelines.

— Rev. Dillon informed the Session that Rev. Doug Hougen has been assigned from Presbytery to serve as a Moderator to conduct Session meetings until we hire an Interim Pastor.

— The Administrative Committee presented an update regarding the Apollo School leasing space from HPPC to house their private school in the 2023-2024 school year.  We are close to signing a lease, pending final sign-off by the City building inspectors.  Apollo plans to lease three rooms in our downstairs area.

— The Missions Ministry announced that the Mother’s Day Diaper Drive for the families of the Bethel Mission which serves migrant workers was a huge success!  Many members of our congregation contributed boxes of diapers and baby wipes. These are necessities which make the lives of the Beth El families a bit easier and we are happy to have a group of congregants who contribute so generously.

— The Christian Education & Membership Committee reported that Sunday School for children will be provided throughout the summer.  Adult Bible Study will also be held following worship.

— The Building & Property Committee reported that our Exit Signs have all been upgraded, one of our water fountains has been repaired and we have plans to replace the other one soon.  We have received final quotes to repair the elevator.

Prayer Request
Prayer Request