March 21, 2024 – Newsletter


Easter Sunday Egg Hunt

Sunday, March 31st is Easter Sunday! Miss Faith in Children’s Ministry has been in contact with the Office of the Easter Bunny, and she is pleased to announce that he will be stopping by our very own HPPC to hide Easter eggs all over our playground and outdoor area. Stick around after the service for refreshments and childhood memories! 

Zoom Only Tonight
Lenten Bible Study,Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm 

This week meet John, “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20). Do NOT come down to HPPC; it will be Zoom ONLY this week. 

Taught by Kim Harvey Brannan, local Christian author of “Quiet Conversations: What God Wants You to Know About Him.”
CLICK HERE for Zoom 
(password mermaid; Meeting ID: 837 6632 2199). 

March 27th in person & zoom: THOMAS

If you missed some, you can find them below, or on the Hyde Park Presbyterian Church YouTube channel under VIDEOS, CLICK HERE
PETER part 1, week 1 CLICK HERE
PETER part 2, week 2 CLICK HERE

Deadline This Sunday! Dedicate a Lily for Easter
Donate a lily or two to decorate the Sanctuary for Easter. You may dedicate it in memory or in honor of someone. Please complete the form exactly as you would like it when printed in the Bulletin on Easter Sunday. Forms are available in the Bulletin; include a check or you can pay on Church Centerand email the office. 
Please include $20 per lily.

Maundy Thursday Service and Communion 
7:00 pm in the Chapel, March 28th

Please join us for a short service and personal participation of the Last Supper.

He said, “Go into the city to a certain man, and say to him, ‘The Teacher says, My time is near; I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples.’ So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them.
        -Matthew 26:18,19

Good Friday Prayers in the Chapel
Drop In 11:00 am to 1:00 pm 

Take a meditative break at lunchtime and drop into the Chapel for prayer. Readings and prayer suggestions are on the Lectern outside in the Fellowship Hallway. 

Palm Sunday, Mar. 24th Worship in the Sanctuary at 10:00 am

“Wasted on the Way” John 12:1-11
Rev. John Hougen, Interim Pastor

11:00 Classes for Children; Coffee & Conversation for Adults. Children are “shepherded out” of Worship after the Children’s Time. Nursery opens at 9:45 am

The Worship Service will be live-streamed on our Hyde Park Presbyterian Church YouTube channel under LIVE!  CLICK HERE to go to the page.


Catch a Glimpse of Palm Sunday’s Message
from Interim Pastor Rev. John Hougen

CLICK HERE for Rev. John’s glimpse at March 24th on the Hyde Park Presbyterian Facebook page.

Goodbyes to Our Long-Time Nursery Staff

On March 10th, HPPC said their official goodbye to Gabi and Izzy Ferreira, twin sisters who have dedicated most of their Sundays to our nursery since October, 2021. Strong Tower Church in Town ‘n Country called them home to worship our Lord next to their family and play a role in the nursery out there.

We are grateful for the dedication they gave our church as well as the kindness they provide our church members with their babysitting and cleaning services outside of scheduled worship. May God bless them in their future endeavors, and may they draw nearer to Him each and every day. 

Interested in helping with our little ones … or know of someone?  Please contact the church office.

PAID, Part Time Position Available:
Facilities Superintendent

This is a part-time salaried position for 30 hours per week. This person will function as the church caretaker and help meet our community’s church facility needs. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact the church office.

ESTEAM Learning Labs & Apollo Academy Host Summer Camps at HPPC! (Discount available)

Discovery Camps for kids 4-8 include experiences such as Around the World, Pirate Camp, Games, Super Heroes, Ocean Exploration and more.

Camps for kids 8-15 focus on Robotics and Engineering, Art, Performing Arts, Video Production and Technology, and Science.

Discovery STEAM Camps Ages 4 – 8
All other STEAM Camps  Ages 8 – 15
Monday – Friday, 9 am – 4 pm
Cost $435.00 Full Day 
$245.00 1/2 Day (Discovery Camps Only).  

Use Code HPPC15 for 15% off all registrations (offer expires April 25th or when camp is full).
Register Here.

Dates During Lent at a Glance

Wed. Mar. 20, 27 @7pm Lenten Bible Study
Sun. Mar. 24 @ 10am Palm Sunday
Thu. Mar. 28 @ 7pm Maundy Thursday Service Chapel
Sun. Mar. 31 @ 10am Easter Sunday
Sun. Mar. 31 @ 11am Egg Hunt & Refreshments
Sun. Apr. 7 @ 10am – Baptisms & The Lord’s Supper

Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, 1309 W Swann Ave., Tampa FL 33606 