Love Gift for Rev. Friesen Spiritual Restoration RetreatIf you would like to give a love gift to the Friesens in appreciation of nearly seven years of service, you may contribute to the fund for a spiritual restoration retreat designed for pastors.
Please make your check payable to HPPC and be sure to designate “love gift” in the notation line. Or check Love Gift in Easy Tithe or Church Center.
June 4th Lunch & Task Force Brainstorming
Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 4th for a special time of FELLOWSHIP and VISIONING for our church’s future together. Immediately following worship, a lunch will be held in The Learning Center for all adults, while Sunday School and lunch will be provided for the children with Miss Ilma. Nursery will also be provided.
After lunch, everyone is invited to jump in to a time of brainstorming on one of the four Task Forces recently formed by the Session to help improve specific areas of our church. We need everyone’s input and insights! All ideas are welcome. You can hop into any of the four Task Force groups to share thoughts and ideas together:
— Worship & Music — Fellowship — Visitor Welcome Program — Building & Property
Don’t Snooze and Lose!
Vacation Bible School Summer Day Camp
July 24-28, 2023; 9-5pm (ends at 2 pm Fri.)Pass the word to all your friends! We need some more campers for Vacation Bible School!
Join us for a week of full day summer camp at HydePark Pres led by the highly-skilled experts from Cedarkirk. $220 per child entering Kindergarten – 5th grade. Email Miss Ilma with questions:
In Person Worship in the Sanctuary at 10 am
At 10:00 am, click to view the livestreamed Online Worship Service, or watch it later.Children’s Sunday School today after the service.
There will be an adult activity after worship on 5/21. No adult Sunday School on 5/28 (Memorial Weekend) and none on 6/4 (Lunch and Brainstorming). Join us to take down the Easter banners and sort through the Advent decor.
Coffee and Mango Bread will be served!
Your Session Met on April 25, 2023
At the April 25th meeting of the Session, two guests from Presbytery’s Commission on Ministry informed the group about the process moving forward in leadership for HPPC. A Leadership Nominating Committee was elected, including Chair Brian Malek, Clerk Kim Brannan and Chaplain Nancy Corwin. This team will help lead the process of the interim phase for our church.This summer, we will feature Pulpit Supply Pastors to preach and lead worship on Sundays. The Leadership Nominating Committee will be seeking to hire an Interim Pastor for early fall. Once that process is in place, we will begin preparing the process of electing a Pastoral Nominating Committee to search for a permanent new pastor.
Mother’s Day made special by Miss Ilma!
Our children, under the excellent direction of Miss Ilma prepared gifts for mothers and distributed them at the end of the service on Sunday.
Mother’s Day Photo Op!
Margot and Carter Claire Crum get a pretty portrait with Mom, Stacey. Miss Ilma set up the cute display, complete with chair, carpet, tree and signage. What a great idea!
Thank you Ilma!
Please continue to pray for our leadership and each member of our church family as we move forward with hope.
To bless Pastor James & his family as they seek another ministry call
To lead us to the right Interim Pastor
To bless HPPC as we strive to rebuild and revitalize our church