All programs end promptly at 8:00 pm. Click on above dates to register ($10 dinner deadline is Sunday night prior or bring your own) and free childcare through Church Center. Paper forms are available at church to pay by check.
Sat. Nov. 5, 11:00 am HPPC: Celebration of the Resurrection Service for Robin Shick
More information below.
Food Truck Rally at HPPC: Sunday, Nov. 6 11am-2pm
Invite a friend to church and then to the Food Truck Rally & Auction benefitting End 68 Hours of Hunger, which provides food for families in need over the weekends. Family-friendly, Pet-friendly, Free admission, Raffle and Silent Auction.
Silent Auction items include Lightning tickets, signed hockey puck, Rays tickets, Winn Dixie basket, Outback basket, “Let’s Do Lunch” gift cards.
Also Busch Garden tickets in a raffle, Guessing Game (number of children we feed weekly), Bounce House, Face Painting and Crafts for the kids.
Kids can linger a little longer after Sunday School for lunch and play while grown-ups take time for a leisurely brunch, visiting with friends, or just a little “me time”. Friends are always welcome! Register and pay ($10/child) on Church Center app.
In Person Worship at 10 am; also Live Streamed.
At 10:00 am, Click To View Online Worship Service, or watch it later. Ordination & Installation of Elders and Communion Sunday
How NOT to be Your Own Worst Enemy: We run from what’s good for us and pursue things that aren’t. It never ends well. Join us for this 3-part series.
No Sunday School Classes for Children or Adults today; please join in the food, fellowship and auction at the Food Truck Rally.
Robin Boelzner Shick September 28, 1953 – November 1, 2022
It is with deep sorrow and thanksgiving to God that we let you know that Robin Shick has now been released from her suffering and is now in glory with her Savior.
It goes without saying that the Shick family has made a lasting impact upon HydePark Presbyterian with their service of 30 years of ministry as pastor and family. Being the spouse of a pastor is its own special ministry and one clearly worthy of great gratitude and praise. Robin also served diligently in the music ministry, both in singing and playing the handbells.
A service of Celebration of the Resurrection will be held at HydePark Presbyterian this Saturday Nov. 5 at 11:00 am. A reception will follow at Blount & Curry MacDill.
Please pray for God’s comfort to dwell richly with Ken and his three sons Matt, Jon and Spencer, and their families. Spencer lives in Atlanta and they have a tiny newborn; travel will most likely be challenging.
Next Step after Survey: Focus Groups! Friday & Saturday, Nov. 11 and 12
Leighton Ford Ministries is busy tabulating our surveys and will lead several Focus Group meetings at the church to gain deeper insights. If you would like to participate, pleaseemail Kim Brannan.
Thank you to those who have already said YES to a focus group. Your input will be most helpful as we move forward in our Visioning process.
We surpassed our goal of 70% participation in the survey and your session will celebrate with dance in December. Thank you to all 58 people who completed the survey!
CALENDAR: Also found under …More on Church Center app and on
Nov. 5, 11 am – Memorial Service, Robin Shick
Nov. 6, 10 am Installation of Elders
Nov. 6, 11am-2pm Food Truck Rally
Nov. 6, 4 pm Vesper Service
Nov. 8, 7 pm Missions Meeting
Nov. 13, Noon – 3pm Linger Longer
Nov. 14, 7 pm Christian Education Meeting
Nov. 15, 7 pm Session Meeting
Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday
Extra hour of sleep, or perfect time to start a new habit?
Until our body clocks adjust, some of us will wake up a bit earlier Sunday morning. As Rev. James asked in his sermon, will you make a pledge to God of your time and give the first moments of your day and the first day of the week to God?
Start your day with God; this Sunday will be the easiest day of the year to start a new morning routine! (Then go find the watches and appliances that didn’t magically set themselves back an hour!)
Bulletins & eChimes Newsletter Where to find them!
The Worship Bulletin is now loaded on the Church Center App in case you forgot to pick one up in the foyer before worship. Let’s save some trees and use that if you wish. Click More at the bottom of the home page.
The eChimes Newsletter is also available on the Church Center App AND online. It will still go out via email, but many of you have told us it goes into the Promotions or other folder, so now you can just pull it up on Church Center. Click More at the bottom on Church Center.
It is under a top tab of NEWS/BLOG on the website.
Your Link to Life & Events at HPPC
Download the app for Church Center from the App Store
Search/locate HydePark Presbyterian
Fill out ALL your family information, including children.
Improvements are constantly being made, and it’s even easier to register for events, child care at events, dinner at events and pay for it right there.
Need help!? Bailey is available after worship to help get you get set up and Sarah is also available in the Learning Center.