New to our church, or even new to Tampa?
Welcome to Hyde Park Presbyterian. We’d love for you to join us.
Here are the basics:
We’re located at 1309 W. Swann Avenue in Tampa. For directions, click here.
Our in-person worship service is held every Sunday morning at 10:00 am. Children of all ages are welcome join their families for worship. Following a children’s sermon, children may go with the Children’s Education director, Miss Faith, to another room where there is singing and age appropriate activities. A nursery is available for younger children. Ask an usher to direct you.
Sunday School classes for children are available at 11 am after the service, in the Sunday School building adjacent to the sanctuary. Adults may enjoy a time of fellowship and discussion. Opportunities for adult Christian Education are available during some weeks.
- Dress is informal. Feel free to wear clothes that make you feel comfortable.
- Children are welcome and encouraged to be a part of our Sunday morning service from age 4 years old. Worship packets (crayons and coloring sheets) are available for every child when you come in, and we will keep them there marked with the child’s name for them to pick up each week.
- Our worship service is a blend of traditional and contemporary; songs come from the hymnal in the pews or are printed in the bulletin.
- We also have a nursery available for children ages 0-3 years, from 9:30 to noon.
- Visitors will not be pointed out in the service.
- Offering envelopes and prayer cards are located in the pews and you may fill one out and drop it in the collection plate or give it to an usher.
- Sunday School classes for children and adults start at 11:00 am, after the worship service. Adult Sunday School this summer will use current news stories as a basis for discussion.
For questions, please email the church office: