Looking for a few good helpers! VBS during lunch or snacks, esp. Friday
Want to see the Cedarkirk counselors in action? Ilma DeLaRosa could use a little help during lunch overseeing hand washing and passing out boxed lunches, 11:30-12:30. Let her know if you can help one or more days.
Snack time around 3:00 also gets a little crazy; and Friday 3:00-5:00 will be open pick-up time when the counselors are headed out, so a few extra hands would be welcome!
In Person Worship at 10 am; also Live Streamed.
At 10:00 am, Click To View Online Worship Service, or watch it later. Sunday School for Children & Adults follow the service.
11 am: Sunday School for Children & Adults
From Conquest to a Kingdom: The Israelites’ journey proves that God providentially guides and cares for His people. Israel’s victory over Jericho and God giving His people the land show that God can and will perform miracles.
Kids gather in the Chapel for singing; then head to their classes.
Adults meet in the Learning Center. If you cannot make it and would like the daily devotional that goes with this week’s lesson, please reach out to the office.
Nominate Elder Candidates by July 31st
Be part of the Presbyterian process and let us know your suggestions for elder and reason you think they are a good candidate. You may also fill out a paper form available in the foyer and drop it in the offering plate or the envelope in the back. Forms and envelope are also available outside the church office.
Suggestions may be sent to Elder2@hydeparkpres.com or speak with Committee Members Nancy Corwin, Bryan Alspach, Lynda Waters or Dek Wright. If you think you might like to serve, it’s ok to nominate yourself!
Brief Recap of July 10 Congregational Meeting
The congregation voted to sell the house at 612 S. Orleans for $775,000 in cash. The money has been wired to the Title company and things are moving forward. If everything goes well, closing will be at the end of August. Planning will begin soon, spearheaded by Kim Brannan, for proposals to be presented for much needed building maintenance and programming to move the church forward.
Aug. 14 Linger Longer Sunday Noon – 3:00 pm
Kids can linger longer after Sunday School for a pizza lunch and fun with friends. Register and pay ($10/child) on Church Center app.
Sun. Aug. 21 @ 11 amMember Birthday Party
Everyone joins in the party as we celebrate those members who have birthdays January through August!
Wed. Nights 6 – 8 pm starts Sept. 14
Plan now, and watch for more information on our Wednesday night dinners and programs.
Sun. Nov. 6 11 am-2 pm Food Truck Rally
Benefits End 68 Hours of Hunger; HPPC parking lot.
Brazil Short-Term Mission Trip: June 23-July 1, 2022
Arnel Senson: “Serving others on this missions trip to Brazil was the absolute best experience I have ever had in my entire life! Thank you to all those who supported and prayed for us–my heart is still there and I’m looking forward to and encouraging others to join us on the next one!”
Above: A celebration for the kids with games, goodie bags, snacks, fun, and of course, music … in the church that the team painted (3 coats!) in one day. You can find Arnel, Ilma and others on the team on the right side.
Sweltering heat; but baby, it’s cold inside!
There’s no hope of cooler weather, but we will experience cooler temps in the Sanctuary for awhile. Rev. James is experiencing a condition which is exacerbated by heat, and will be wearing a bit more casual attire to help as well. So please, grab a wrap on the way to church and enjoy the cool!
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