April 27, 2023 – Newsletter

Congregational Meeting on Sunday, May 7th
Please join us for a Congregational Meeting following the service with a message from our pastor and an update from the Vision committee.

Vacation Bible School Summer Day Camp
July 24-28, 2023; 9-5pm (ends at 2 pm Fri.)

Join us for a full week of summer day camp at Hyde Park Pres led by the highly-skilled experts from Cedarkirk. $220 per child entering Kindergarten – 5th grade. Email Miss Ilma with questions: children@hydeparkpres.com.  CLICK HERE to register.
In Person Worship at 10 am; also Live Streamed.
At 10:00 am, Click To View Online Worship Serviceor watch it later.Sunday School Classes for all ages follow Worship.
Children gather in the Chapel for singing, then head to their classes
to learn a little more about Solomon.
Adults will have a “fellowship” day with coffee in the downstairs fellowship hallway.


Dear Church Family,

The past nine months of the Vision process have made it clear that we need a change of leadership. Thus, it is with a heavy heart I share with you that I have tendered my resignation as pastor, effective May 31, and it was accepted by the Session.

I invite you to join us at a Congregational Meeting in church on Sunday, May 7th, when I will provide additional details.  In addition, the Vision Committee will present a plan for the church going forward. Both the Session and I ask you to pray for the unity of the church and for Christ’s love to reign.

God bless you —
Rev. James

Mother’s Day Diaper Drive for Beth-El Farmworkers Mission now through May 14

Parents who work in the fields near Beth-El Mission need our help. Money is tight and diapers are a necessity if you have a small child. That’s where we can make a difference.

You are invited to make a donation of diapers to honor your mom. Please bring them with you when you come to church between now and Mother’s Day. Monetary donations are also welcome so Missions angels can shop for you. Thanks again for sharing the spirit of Christ with those around us. Make checks to HPPC; note Diaper Drive in the notation line.

The Vision Committee met with our Consultant Rich Hurst of Leighton Ford Ministries last Friday and Saturday, for a third weekend retreat. The 9-point plan for The Session was completed by a mini-task force and presented, as well as in-depth discussions and decisions on our core values and mission.
Please plan to attend the Congregational Meeting to hear their report. 
The Vision Committee consists of Kim Brannan, chair and Lynda Waters co-chair, Bryan Alspach, Chris Bosworth, Tony Brannan Jr., Tony Brannan Sr., Guy Bryant, Nancy Corwin, Sandy Kennedy, Megan Leibl, Harriet Plyler, and Dek Wright.

Feeding Friends Meals are ready!

On March 21st, 11 ladies (their ages spanning 8 decades!) prepared many meals that are now available to be taken and delivered to those in need.

The main dishes are stored in the freezer of the downstairs refrigerator; nice white bags are in the closet there. Grab a meal or two, add a salad, bread and maybe something sweet and you are set to deliver a delicious meal to that new neighbor, someone who’s recovering, or someone who just needs a break from preparing dinner.

The meals are prepared; now it’s up to you to go and share them! More meals are in the upstairs freezer, so don’t be shy about taking a few.

How can we all best help in the future of HPPC?
By Committing to Pray!
How often?  TWICE A DAY.
WHEN?  At 8:28 am and 8:28 pm
Why such an odd time?  Praying at the same time, twice a day, will help us get into a predictable habit. We have chosen this specific time to unite all of us with the promise of Romans 8:28 which proclaims …
“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to His purpose.”
We believe that we are called by God and we desire to see His will and purposes fleshed out here at HPPC. Join us. Pray twice a day at 8:28!!
Prayer Request
Prayer Request