August 8, 2024 – Newsletter

How Did We Get Our Sacred Scripture?
New Adult Study Begins August 18th at 11:00
On Sunday, August 18th, we’ll embark upon a study led by our very own member Karla Grant, who has taught Bible Studies at HPPC for many years.

Session 1: What IS the Bible? In the beginning was the Word. John 1:1
Session 2: The Law, the Prophets and the Writings.
Session 3: How Did We Get the New Testament?
Session 4: How Did the New Testament Books Become the Official Canon? How did Christians differ from each other and the Jews about the official Old Testament Canon?
Session 5: How Reliable Are the Copies of Scriptures? How do we interpret Scripture that seems to contradict itself?
Session 6: Remember the DaVinci Codes? Heresies, Cults and Proto-Gospels and other mistaken concepts.

Join us for this deep dive into how the Bible came to be …  in the Conference Room each Sunday immediately following worship.

August 11th Worship in the Sanctuary at 10 am
Rev. John Hougen, Pastor

Children are “shepherded out” of Worship after the Children’s Time for
Summer Sunday School and themed play time (see above) until about 11-ish.
11:00 – The Wired Word Adult Class on a current event; next week, new study starts.

The Worship Service will be live-streamed on our Hyde Park Presbyterian Church YouTube channel under LIVE!  CLICK HERE to go to the page.

Take a peek at Sunday’s message!

CLICK for a 90-second look at the conversation for this Sunday with Rev. John Hougen on the Hyde Park Presbyterian Church Facebook page.


Last Sunday for Kids’ Donation Bingo
and Teacher Supplies

Our Mission Wagon is filling up, but there’s still room for more! Children and adults are collecting different supplies for West Tampa Elementary.

The kids are having fun with Donation Bingo by bringing items on their school supply list, and the adults  are supporting the teachers with supplies.

Items for adults to donate are: quart and gallon Ziplock bags, large bottles of hand sanitizer or containers of sanitizing wipes, white or colored printer paper, 3 hole plastic page protectors, and rolls of paper towels.
CLICK HERE to order from Amazon.

Tax-free days are happening now!

Kids in the Kitchen and
Ringing in the New School Year!

Last Sunday at Summer Sunday School, Natalie, Joanna and McKenzie joined Miss Faith and her Mom as they whipped up some delicious Banana Pudding … extra special with Lorna Doone cookies!

Next Sunday, August 18th, the children will “ring in the new school year” and Miss Faith will return to Sunday School until Noon, following the children’s exodus from worship after the Children’s Time.

New Member Class Met Last Sunday

Pastor John Hougen led a class last Sunday for those wishing to officially become members of Hyde Park Presbyterian Church. The next step is a meeting with the Session at which time the Session will act to approve their membership.

Good bye summer camp & vacations,
hello new school year!

The public schools start on Monday! Please watch out for school zones, crosswalks and school buses … students are everywhere!!

Please keep the children (and the teachers!) in your prayers as they embark on their next adventure!

Tech Team Volunteer Opportunity!

The Tech Team (Bruce Orand & Marc Wallace) need volunteers to help with Sunday audio/video and streaming for the service. Training will be provided!!

Email your name, phone #, email address to if you’re interested and for more details.

Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, 1309 W Swann Ave., Tampa FL 33606
Prayer Request
Prayer Request