Crosswalkers Dinner at Kim Brannan’s
Tuesday, Dec. 17 @ 6:30pm
The “young-ish” adult dinner and discussion will be at Kim Brannan’s this month: 5013 S Elberon St. Tampa 33611. You will get a chance to meet and chat “up close and personal” with the Christian author of “Quiet Conversations: What God Wants You to Know About Him”.
Also, the group has decided on a name: The Crosswalkers! Don’t miss this one, and bring a friend!
Christmas Through a Child’s Eyes
Sunday, Dec. 15 @ 10am
Join our heavenly choir of children as we celebrate Jesus’s birth. Settle into your seats, and please join in singing, clapping, raising hands, and amen-ing as our children lead us in praising our Lord.
You don’t want to miss the Inaugural Bell Performance of The HPPC Dingalings conducted by Sunday’s Bell Director Margaux Plyler.
Please join the cast in the hallway for cake and punch to thank Miss Faith for leading our Children’s Education Program this past year and a half, and blessing us with her voice.
Sunday is the Deadline for the Toy Drive
Toys and gifts should be for toddlers to older teens … and multi-cultural, given the diverse population served by Guardian ad Litem.
Dolls, Cars and Trucks
Science kits, Arts & Craft kits, Lego kits
Nail, beauty and inexpensive jewelry for teens
Holiday Market on the Lawn Sun. Dec. 15 @ 11:00amCome shop the 2nd Annual Apollo Academy Holiday Market on Sunday 12/15 at 11am on the front lawn of HPPC. Apollo students will be showcasing their businesses that they’ve been working on for the last 8 weeks as they explore entreprenuership. They will be selling handmade goodies and treats.
Please bring cash.
Community Music Recital in the Sanctuary Sun. Dec. 15 @ 1:00pmEveryone is welcome to attend a piano recital on Sunday December 15th at 1:00 in the sanctuary. Come enjoy Beethoven’s Symphony #5 played as a ragtime or the brow raising Dark Fur Elise with its explosive bantering. Some familiar pieces such as Ode to Joy, Linus & Lucy along with new classics by Drake and Taylor Swift will be featured. Students range from age 4 to 12 years old and between 2 months to 4 years of study.
The recital is expected to last for 1 hour, and the audience is encouraged to dress comfortably. As leaders of our community, we are graciously extending an invitation for you to attend and cheer on our future community leaders. I can’t think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than supporting our local youth! We hope to see you there.
— Stephanie Stapleton, music teacher
December 15th Worship in the Sanctuary at 10 am Musical program presented by the children of Hyde Park Pres, followed by cake and punch in the Fellowship Hallway.The adult class will meet at 11:00am following cake.
The Worship Service will be live-streamed on our Hyde Park Presbyterian Church YouTube channel under LIVE! CLICK HEREto go to the page.
Adult Sunday School Class @11am
“The Marvel and Miracle of Advent” Chris Bosworth will be leading this class with a video followed by guided questions. Jump in on any Sunday you can. You do not need to buy the book, unless you want to read the personal study that follows each lesson.
Won’t you join us as we “recapture the wonder of Jesus living with us” ?
Honor & Celebrate Faith Pilafas
as she steps down as Children’s DirectorJoin the cast of Hyde Park Children after the Musical Worship Service on Sunday as we wish Faith Pilafas all the best after faithfully serving our children for the last year and a half. She has brought creativity and joy to the children as they played, crafted, cooked, studied and learned about God’s love for them.
Faith stepped into the sudden void left by Ilma, Director of Children’s Ministry, in the summer of 2023 when she accepted a position out of state. Faith’s love of children, and her love for her savior Jesus has been apparent from the beginning.
Thank you, Faith for all you have done with, and for, our children. There will be cake and punch following Worship on Sunday.
Take a peek at Sunday’s message
with Rev. John HougenThe joy of Christmas has always been found in children, especially the child whose birth we celebrate. Join us Sunday as the children share the story of Christmas through their program.
Donate a poinsettia ($20 each) for the Christmas season. You may take it home after the Christmas Eve Candlelight service. Look for the fund “Poinsettia” in Church Center or through EasyTithe.
There are also order forms in the foyer at church and you can fold it up with cash or a check to HPPC noting Poinsettias. Thank you!
Dec. 15th, the Third Sunday in Advent THE CANDLE OF JOYWe have lit the first two candles, one for hope and one for peace. Sunday we light the third candle, the candle of joy. This should be the easy one, because joy is all around us – in the children, the lights, the music, the gathering together.
But how often do we let our preparations or our memories push joy to the side? Joy is like a spring that wells up within us; but joy is also a choice, an attitude. So now we open ourselves to joy, trusting that God has already planted joy in us.
Our prayer this week:
Loving God, we open ourselves to you, trusting that this is how you made us: you created us for joy-filled hearts and lives. Show us the creative power of hope. Teach us the peace that comes from justice. Fill us with the kind of joy that cannot be contained, but must be shared. Prepare our hearts to be transformed by you that we may walk in the light of Christ.
It’s not too late to turn in your Pledge!
Just email (confidential with Rebecca our financial secretary) with what you plan to give to HPPC in 2025, and it will be done! Or ask her to mail you another Pledge form and your statement.
Thank you for your generosity in giving to the life and work of Hyde Park Presbyterian!
Dates to Note
Sun. Dec. 15: “Christmas Through a Child’s Eyes”
11:00 am – Apollo’s Holiday Market
1:00 pm – Music Recital in the Sanctuary Tue. Dec. 17: Crosswalkers Dinner at Kim Brannan’s Sun. Dec. 22: Fourth Sunday of Advent Tue. Dec. 24 5pm: Christmas Eve Service
Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, 1309 W Swann Ave., Tampa FL 33606