Transitional Process Moving Toward Our Next Minister
AND SO IT BEGINS… Will YOUR Voice Be Heard?
We are beginning the Transitional Process as we move towards calling our next minister. You are invited to a series of New Year Conversations. Hosted by Pastor John Hougen, you will engage in three different conversations to prepare us for what is ahead.
Our firstNew Year Conversation will explore how our church’s past impacts our future. Please choose one of these opportunities.
January 19 following worship in person
January 20 at 10:00am in person January 21 at 6:00pm (for Session members) ahead of Session meeting at 7pm.
Session Members: you can attend any of these, but you still need to sign up with the office!
Here are the questions we will discuss together:
What are those things from HPPC’s past that you want to continue in the future?
What are those things from HPPC’s past you want to leave in the past?
What qualities in past HPPC pastors would you like to see in a future pastor?
What are the lessons from HPPC’s past that we need to remember going forward?
SAVE YOUR SPOT! Attendance for each of these sessions is limited. office@hydeparkpres.comor call 813-253-0069 to sign up.
Tues, Jan. 28th starting at 6:30pm Youngish Adult Dinner & DiscussionThe Cross Walkers will meet – this month, on the 4thTuesday – at Bob and Carol Kline’s interim home at 313 N Hesperides St for dinner and discussion. Please feel free to bring a friend!
January 19th Worship in the Sanctuary at 10 am
After the Children’s Time, the children are invited for Kid’s Kirk in the chapel for a lesson and craft for the remainder of the service. Adult class at 11:00.
The Worship Service will be live-streamed on our Hyde Park Presbyterian Church YouTube channel under LIVE! CLICK HEREto go to the page.
Your Glimpse for Sunday’s Message
‘m guessing you don’t like to hang out with grumpy, grouchy people. People who are no fun to be around. What about God? Is God trying to take the fun and joy out of your life? Let’s talk about it on Sunday.
CLICK HEREto go to the Hyde Park Presbyterian Facebook page.
The HPPC Memorial Steeple Fund is still in progress.
The original repair work on the steeple has been done, but then Hurricane Milton came along, compromising the pipe holding the incredibly heavy cross. Sooo, there is still work to be done.
We are looking for one-time donations towards this historic symbol of HPPC’s presence in the the Hyde Park community. We can’t think of a better way to honor someone who has been special in our lives, than to donate to this Memorial Fund. There will be a dedication service for the Hyde Park Memorial Steeple, noting those in whose memories donations were made … once the cross is again shining as a beacon of hope, love, and God’s everlasting presence at Hyde Park.
Won’t you join us? Please note “Steeple People” in your donation … either by check, or through EasyTithe on the website or in the Church Center app.
Gasparilla Parade Parking
Jan. 25th Pirate Fest Parade
Day-of parking for the adult parade in the church parking lot will be sold for $25 starting at 10:30 am; first come, first served. Members can contact Chris Bosworth (813-362-5871) in advance to reserve a spot.
Missions Ministry Committee Meeting,
Thurs. Jan. 16 at 7pm at Panera Bread on MLKJoin us to help plan for missions activities throughout the year and decide budget allocations. There is the potential to attend via Zoom; contact Sandy Kennedy if interested.
Session Members and Committees
This past Sunday, at the installation of Tony Brannan, Sr., Joe Gonzalez, Jett Tanner and Lynda Waters, the members of the congregation pledged to love and support these elders; to pray for them; and to walk alongside them as we all grow together as disciples, followers and servants of Christ. Be thinking of how you can support them through the work of their committees.
Tony Brannan, Sr. – Missions Committee
Guy Bryant – Administration and Building Committee
Stacey Crum – Worship and Music Committee
Joe Gonzalez – Membership and Fellowship Committee
Sandy Kennedy – Missions and Christian Education Committees
Ann Maxey – Personnel Committee
Harriet Plyler – Communications Committee
Jett Tanner – Christian Education Committee
Lynda Waters – Membership and Fellowship Committee; Clerk
Dek Wright – Worship and Music Committee
Dates to Note!
Thur. Jan. 16 at 7pm: Missions Committee at Panera Bread on MLK
Mon. Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Day; office is open.
First Conversations:
Sun 19th 11am after Worship
Mon 20th 10am at HPPC
Tue. Jan. 21 at 6pm (for Session members)
Tue. Jan. 21 at 7pm Session Meeting HPPC
Tue. Jan. 28 at 6:30pm Cross Walkers Dinner
Dates for Second Conversations (Feb) coming soon! Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Feb. 23
Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, 1309 W Swann Ave., Tampa FL 33606