January 2, 2025 – Newsletter


In 2025 we will begin engaging the Transitional Process as we move towards calling our next minister. You are invited to participate in a series of New Year Conversations. Hosted by Pastor John Hougen, you will engage in three different conversations to prepare us for what is ahead.

Our first New Year Conversation will explore how our church’s past impacts our future. You will have the following opportunities to be a part of the First Conversation.
January 8 at 6:30 pm on Zoom
January 14 at 6:30 pm on Zoom
January 19 following worship in person
January 20 at 10:00 am in person
January 21 (for Session members) at 6:00 pm ahead of the Session meeting at 7:00 pm

Here are the questions we will discuss together:
What are those things from HPPC’s past that you want to continue in the future?
What are those things from HPPC’s past you want to leave in the past?
What qualities in past HPPC pastors would you like to see in a future pastor?
What are the lessons from HPPC’s past that we need to remember going forward?

Attendance for each of these sessions is limited. Contact office@hydeparkpres.com or call 813-253-0069 to sign up or register on the pew pad.

Sunday, January 12th
New Elder InstallationThe following elders will be installed to serve on the Session in the 2027 class on Sunday, January 12th at the Worship service: Tony Brannan, Sr., Joe Gonzalez, Jett Tanner, and Lynda Waters. Please plan to greet them immediately following the service; your support and prayers are most appreciated.

January 5th Worship & Communion in the Sanctuary at 10 am 

After the Children’s Time, the children are invited for Kid’s Kirk in the chapel for a lesson and craft for the remainder of the service.
The Worship Service will be live-streamed on our Hyde Park Presbyterian Church YouTube channel under LIVE!  CLICK HERE to go to the page.

January 5th Communion Sunday

Begin the new year in celebrating The Lord’s Supper with us this Sunday. If you are watching online, please join us with your own bread and juice.

Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all share the one loaf. 
— 1 Corinthians 10:17


Your Glimpse for Sunday’s Message

Exile. That place where you find yourself and do not want to be. To people in exile Isaiah writes, “The people living in darkness have seen a great light. ” The light of Christ that we celebrate at Christmas. Christmas has come and gone but the light remains. Now what? Let’s talk about it this Sunday.

CLICK HERE to go to the Hyde Park Presbyterian Facebook page.

Missions Ministry Committee Meeting,
Tues. Jan. 7 at 7pm at Panera bread on MLK
Join us to help plan for missions activities throughout the year and decide budget allocations.

Dates to Note!

Tue. Jan. 7 at  7pm: Missions Committee at Panera
First Conversations:
Wed. Jan. 8 at 6:30pm on Zoom
Tue. Jan. 14 at 6:30pm on Zoom
Sun. Jan.19 at 11am in person HPPC
Mon. Jan. 20 at 10am in person HPPC
Tue. Jan. 21 at 6pm (for Session members)
Tue. Jan. 21 at 7pm Session Meeting HPPC

Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, 1309 W Swann Ave., Tampa FL 33606
813-253-0069     office@hydeparkpres.com        HydeParkPres.com
Prayer Request
Prayer Request