March 29, 2023 – Newsletter

Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday March 19
in the Chapel, immediately following 10 am Worship.

Agenda includes a look back at 2022, presentation from the Visioning Committee, the 2023 Budget and voting on the Pastor’s Terms of Call.
Please plan to attend this important meeting in person. 
Saturday Morning, Mar. 18th, 9 am – Noon
Join us Saturday morning for some much-needed lawn and outside maintenance. Bryan Alspach will be coordinating the tasks. Contact Bryan directly for assignments to get HPPC ready for Holy Week services.
Cooking up some meals & feeding friends!
Tue. March 21 @ 6:30We like to keep frozen meals stocked in the fridge at church, so anyone can grab one to take to a friend or neighbor who could use a break from fixing dinner one night. The freezers are getting bare and it seems like a good time to enjoy some fellowship and serve others at the same time.  And, we have lots of fun!

All you need to do is come. Jane Brannan will have the recipes and the ingredients in the upstairs kitchen at the church, just waiting for your willing the hands to chop, shred, measure, stir and fellowship!

Tonight, March 15! All Ages will be making Easter Cards for Homebound and Military
6:00 Fellowship, order a Pub Sub or bring your own, followed by card-making.Lenten Service Wednesdays: March 22nd we will be stuffing Easter Eggs for the egg hunt on Palm Sunday.  Childcare will be available.

In Person Worship at 10 am; also Live Streamed.
At 10:00 am, Click To View Online Worship Serviceor watch it later.
The Lenten Sermon Series “Reflections on Amazing Grace” continues this week.
Members will move to the Chapel for the Annual Congregational Meeting immediately following Worship.
Sunday School for children follows worship. Adult classes resume March 26.
Sunday is last day to Donate & Dedicate Easter Lilies for our Sanctuary
Remember someone at Easter with an Easter lily given “In Honor of” or “In Memory of” to be included in the Easter Bulletin. You may take your lily home after the service.
Look for the Lily Order form at Church and include your payment with the form (if you’re a paper person), or better yet, reserve, pay and write the dedication (process each lily separately) on Church Center. 

Plan to Join Us for Holy Week!

Sun. April 2 – Palm Sunday
10:00 am Palm Sunday Service
11:00 am Puppet Show and Egg Hunt for the children. Have them bring their own Easter basket!

Thur. April 6 – Maundy Thursday Dinner & Service
6:15 Fellowship & Dinner, followed by brief Communion Service on the Lawn. Please call Harriet to RSVP 813-613-4118.

Fri. April 7 – Good Friday
Noon – 4:00 pm Sanctuary open for Prayer & Meditation

Easter Sunday, April 9
7:00 am SonRise Service on the Lawn
10:00 am Worship in the Sanctuary, also Live-streamed

Bible Study on Galatians on Mondays
Mar. 13 – April 24 @ 11:30 – 1:30 at HPPCIn-person Bible study sessions led by Laurel Grammig, will once again meet at HPPC. Here is Laurel’s message:

“Now That Faith Has Come: A Study of Galatians” is a recent addition to Beth Moore’s collection of Bible studies. We will meet for the first 50 minutes, break briefly, then spend roughly 45-60 minutes viewing the video lesson.

I have ordered workbooks and video DVDs and expect to receive them next week. I will collect $30 (check, cash or Venmo) from each member at the first session on March 13 to cover the cost of the workbooks and DVDs.

I can’t wait to see you there! Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions (813-340-0761),
Blessings, Laurel Grammig

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
from Missions Ministry, End 68, the Kids
Many thanks to those who filled bags with snacks, veggies, soup, peanut butter and more for the Lenten Wednesday Service night for End 68 Hours of Hunger. Monetary donations were also received.

About 40 bags of food were brought in, and the group dined on a meal of lentils which is something that is added to each bag of food going to children for the weekend. We then played bingo, filling in the cards from the presentation given by Sandy Kennedy, checked all the food for expiration dates and sorted them onto carts for restocking the pantry.

Bailey Dean is moving on up!

Bailey Dean, who has served as our technical team on a part-time basis for live-streaming worship services, creating announcement slides and loading information onto Church Center, has found a full-time job.

Many thanks go out to Bailey for his dedication and weekend hours and we wish him well in his new position.

Update from the Vision Committee
– Last Fall, over 50 members of HPPC participated in a survey conducted by Leighton Ford Ministries, which illuminated areas for our future focus.
– In November, Focus Groups were held with 25 church members participating to gain more  in-depth feedback from members.
– In January and again in February, a group of elders and session members met over two days each month with our consultant Rich Hurst.
– A third “weekend retreat” will be held April 21, 22 with the same group.
– Many more details will be shared at the Congregational Meeting Sunday.

How can we all best help in the future of HPPC?
By Committing to Pray!
How often?  TWICE A DAY.
WHEN?  At 8:28 am and 8:28 pm
Why such an odd time?  Praying at the same time, twice a day, will help us get into a predictable habit. We have chosen this specific time to unite all of us with the promise of Romans 8:28 which proclaims …
“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to His purpose.”
We believe that we are called by God and we desire to see His will and purposes fleshed out here at HPPC. Join us. Pray twice a day at 8:28!!
Prayer Request
Prayer Request