October 26, 2022 – Newsletter


TONIGHT! Family Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat 6:00-8:00 pm Join us for an ALL Community Event! Fabulous costumes, themed trunks for treats and Dave’s Jukebox Diner Food Truck available to purchase food (amazing burgers & more!) All Ages, come in costume and tell your friends and neighbors!
November 2, Guardian Ad Litem
Come learn about the Guardian Ad Litem Program and how you may help Hillsborough County children and the volunteers that support them.
November 9, Reflections on Veteran’s Day
Veterans share their stories and experiences in the service and in our communities.
November 16, Family Game Night All ages.

All programs end promptly at 8:00 pm. Click on above dates to register ($10 dinner deadline is Sunday night prior or bring your own) and free childcare through Church Center. Paper forms are available at church to pay by check.

Sat, Oct. 29: 10:30 am: Difference Maker Brunch
hosted by James and Sarah Friesen at the Bungalow on Willow
If you haven’t joined us in connecting with your fellow church members yet, this is your last chance! And please, feel free to join us again in fellowship and with a heart of gratitude for all God has done for us.
Click on the above date to register on the Church Center app;
call the office 813-253-0069 or email the office.

Food Truck Rally at HPPC
Sunday, Nov. 6 11am-2pm

Save the date for this Food Truck Rally benefitting End 68 Hours of Hunger, which provides food for families in need over the weekends.  Family-friendly, Pet-friendly, Free admission, Raffle and Silent Auction.

No Sunday School Classes this day.

In Person Worship at 10 am; also Live Streamed.
At 10:00 am, Click To View Online Worship Serviceor watch it later.
What distinguished the theology of the Reformation from the theology of the Roman Catholic church in the 16th century? “The Five Solas” lie at the center of our faith.
Join us for Fellowship & Refreshments on the lawn following the service.
No Sunday School Classes for Children or Adults today.

Stewardship Sunday Oct. 30 at 10:00 am
Refreshments & Fellowship on the Lawn

There will be a special time to offer your 2023 Stewardship Form pledging your gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure during our morning worship. Rev. James’ sermon series concludes with Glory to God Alone.

Following the service, enjoy refreshments and fellowship on the lawn with one another. We know God has great things in store for our church and community and want you to be part of it!

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
– Malachi 3:10


Forgot to do the Survey? It’s not too late!
Deadline extended to 5 pm on Sunday 30th.

Password:  hppfl    Deadline 10/30 @ 5pm
Click Here to go directly to survey.

On Church Center: the survey link is on the home page, as well as the letter to the Congregation.
Use QR code: takes you right to the survey.

Thank you for participating in this survey which will be identifying strengths, as well as opportunities for improvement. The survey will identify strengths, and areas for improvements at HPPC and is conducted by Leighton Ford Ministries, a Christian non-profit that specializes in ministry leadership. All survey responses are anonymous! 

Each member of a household (16 years and up) should respond. The survey will take you about 20-30 minutes to complete. You will need to complete the survey in one sitting. (If you are interrupted before sending, you will need to start over.) Contact Kim Brannan or Lynda Waters or church office if you want a paper survey.

Next Step after Survey: Focus Groups!
Friday & Saturday, Nov. 11 and 12

Leighton Ford Ministries will be tabulating all surveys and preparing to lead several Focus Group meetings which will be held at the church to discuss the findings of the survey and gain deeper insights.

If you are contacted and asked to attend one of these sessions, please say YES!  Your feedback is needed. Focus Group

Bulletins & eChimes Newsletter
Where to find them!

The Worship Bulletin is now loaded on the Church Center App in case you forgot to pick one up in the foyer before worship. Let’s save some trees and use that if you wish. Click More at the bottom of the home page.

The eChimes Newsletter is also available on the Church Center App AND online. It will still go out via email, but many of you have told us it goes into the Promotions or other folder, so now you can just pull it up on Church Center. Click More at the bottom on Church Center.
It is under a top tab of NEWS/BLOG on the website.

Your Link to Life & Events at HPPC

Download the app for Church Center from the App Store
Search/locate Hyde Park Presbyterian
Fill out ALL your family information, including children.

Improvements are constantly being made, and it’s even easier to register for events, child care at events, dinner at events and pay for it right there.

Need help!? Bailey is available after worship to help get you get set up and Sarah is also available in the Learning Center.

Prayer Request
Prayer Request