Would you like to be one of our Steeple People? Good news worth a Hallelujah!
Work has begun on the repair and refurbishment of our church steeple.
We are looking for one-time donations towards this historic and much needed symbol of HPPC’s presence in the Hyde Park community. What better way to honor someone who has been special in our lives, or in the life of the church, than to symbolically make them part of this symbol of hope, life and God’s everlasting presence in Hyde Park?
If you would like to join the Waters/Crum family (and the other church families whose memorial funds will be designated for this project), please consider making a memorial contribution in the name of a loved one … or just contribute because you want to help!
You may make your one-time donation by check, EasyTithe (website), or Church Center app. Be sure to mark the donation “Steeple” (bottom of the dropdown FUND list).
Please use the paper inserts at church on September 29 and Oct. 6, or email finance@hydeparkpres.com Click the email and information needed is given.
Helene Causes Office to be Closed Thursday, Sept. 26th.Please stay safe and pray for those in harm’s way.
Sept. 29: “Remember the DaVinci Code?”
Heresies, Cults and Proto-Gospels … and other mistaken concepts.
Join us in the Conference Room after Worship!Did you miss one?
“What IS the Bible?” CLICK HERE to see it! CLICK HEREfor “The Law, Prophets, Writings”
“How Did we get the New Testament?” CLICK HERE. CLICK HEREfor “How Did We Get the Official Canon?”
“How Reliable Are the Copies of Our Scriptures?” CLICK HERE.
September 29th Worship in the Sanctuary at 10 am Rev. John Hougen, PastorChildren are “shepherded out” of Worship after the Children’s Time for
Sunday School and activities until Noon.
11:00 – Adult Class: “How the Bible Came to Be” continues
The Worship Service will be live-streamed on our Hyde Park Presbyterian Church YouTube channel under LIVE! CLICK HEREto go to the page.
CLICKfor a 90-second video of what’s in store for this Sunday.
Has life gotten so convoluted that you’ve lost all sense of what’s really important to you? What are the deep things that you want? What must you do to get them?
Check it out with Rev. John Hougen on the Hyde Park Presbyterian Church Facebook page ….and be sure to join us Sunday.
Crafts, Chili, Chrismons and Candles:
Come wait with us!Please watch for details on these events … there is much work to be done, much fun to be had, and much time to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ child. Blessings abound with YOUR involvement!
Sun. Nov. 17: Toy/Gift Drive Begins Sun. Nov. 24:Deck the Halls & Lawn after Worship
Thur. Nov. 28:Thanksgiving (just so ya know) Sun. Dec. 1: First Sunday of Advent & Communion Sun. Dec. 8: Second Sunday of Advent
3:30 pm– Advent Craft Workshop
4:30 pm – Chili Cook-Off
6:00 pm – Casual Chrismon Tree Celebration Sun. Dec. 15: “Advent Through Children’s Eyes” Sun. Dec. 22: Fourth Sunday of Advent Tue. Dec. 24 5pm: Christmas Eve Service
New Members Join the Hyde Park Pres Congregation
On September 8th we welcomed the following people into our church family:
Terry Meier and Susie Rodriguez, Sharon Smith and granddaughter Mckenzie, Stacy Wallace, Sarah Dann, and Shannon Dann.
Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, 1309 W Swann Ave., Tampa FL 33606
813-253-0069 office@hydeparkpres.com HydeParkPres.com