September 5, 2024 – Newsletter

YOU are invited! Welcome Brunch Sept. 8th after Worship.
Join us in the hallway for a light brunch welcoming our new members. Get to know them a little bit and make some new friends!
RSVP here – or tell Lynda Waters or Jane Brannan – or just show up!  All are welcome and you know there is never a shortage of things to nibble on!

Don’t Miss Out on Tues. Sept. 17th!
Young Adult Dinner & DiscussionAfter a brief summer break, this dynamic, new life group is gearing back up with dinner and fellowship at 1206 S Suffolk Dr., home of Carol and Bob Kline. The group meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month beginning at 6:30.

This month, Chris Tanner will lead the discussion; next month there will be a visit from the esteemed author of “Quiet Conversations.”

“How the Bible Came to Be” continues
on Sept. 15th 
Sept. 15 “How We Got the Official Canons”
Sept. 22 “Scriptures that Seem to Contradict”
Sept. 29 “Remember the DaVinci Codes?”

Did you miss  one?
“What IS the Bible?”  CLICK HERE to see it!
CLICK HERE for “The Law, Prophets, Writings”
“How Did we get the New Testament?” CLICK HERE.

September 8th Worship in the Sanctuary at 10 am when our new members will be joining and we all profess our faith.
Rev. John Hougen, PastorChildren are “shepherded out” of Worship after the Children’s Time for
Sunday School and activities until noon.
11:00 – New Members Welcome Brunch – all are welcome!

The Worship Service will be live-streamed on our Hyde Park Presbyterian Church YouTube channel under LIVE!  CLICK HERE to go to the page.

“If you don’t have anything nice to say … “
CLICK for a 90-second look at this Sunday.That’s what Mom always said. James says “No one can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.”

Check it out with Rev. John Hougen on the Hyde Park Presbyterian Church Facebook page.


What’s Easier Than MAKING
Harriet’s Guava Pastelitos?
Eating them, of course!
Though they truly are an easy, make-ahead Brunch Pastry, you can sample Harriet Plyler’s recipe at the Welcome Brunch this Sunday.

CLICK HERE for the video “basically in real time” for these sugary, flaky, Cuban guava pastries, known as pasteles or pastelitos. These tiny, crunchy, deeply flavorful puff pastry confections are easy and speedy! How can you resist?
For more delicious recipes, check out Harriet’s Florida Kitchen on YouTube!

New Members are Joining Sept 8!

Everyone is invited to join us as we welcome our new members, Sunday the 8th at Worship, and then at a light Welcome Brunch.  Joining are:

Sarah Dann
Shannon Dann
Sharon Smith
Stacy Wallace
Susie Rodriguez and Terry Meier

Come and meet them … along with Sharon’s granddaughter McKenzie Smith!
(An easy way to remember their names: 5 S’s and a T!)

What a nice surprise!
Beautiful flowers in doorway planters!Last week a generous benefactor provided four new planters, flowers and plants to beautify our Willow Street entrance. Many delighted exclamations were heard on Sunday!

The children of Apollo Academy are going to be the caretakers of these lovely new plants as they learn about science, living things, and gardening. The students are eager to become engaged in a rotational system for taking care of watering and tending them.

Eventually, when some of the plants may die, the children will enjoy planting new ones and learning about how seeds can flourish. What a great metaphor for life.

Paul, always busy and ready with a smile!

Here are a few of the projects that Paul, our Facilities Supervisor, has been tackling:

  • Ran cables for indoor/outdoor security cameras on campus
  • Spackled & painted walls, replaced ceiling tiles and replaced lights in a room upstairs for Apollo Academy
  • Cleaned out the gutters and trimmed tree limbs from the building, parking lot, and side walk
  • Repaired and replaced various faucets, toilets, soap dispensers, etc.
  • Replaced a broken window at the Willow house
  • And, in the photo, getting ready to repair and paint the peeling areas surrounding the “no-longer-a-door”.


Still Looking for a Few Good Greeters/Ushers!

We still have dates available for Greeter/Ushers, and almost all other dates need one more person to round out the 2-person team. Are YOU the perfect person??

Sept. 15
Oct. 20, 27
Nov. 3, 17, 24
Dec. 22, 29 and Jan. 5

You can get in touch with Harriet (text 813-613-4118) to let us know when you can help out. She would be beyond thrilled to hear from you, and would so appreciate your help.

OR email

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration. The rest of us just get up and go to work.”    – Stephen King

Many thanks to our wonderful staff, and our many volunteers, who keep Hyde Park Presbyterian Church up and running smoothly! We appreciate all your efforts, both large and small. We hope you enjoyed a restful Labor Day weekend!

Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, 1309 W Swann Ave., Tampa FL 33606
Prayer Request
Prayer Request