We have food now! A small but mighty Feeding Friends team cooked up some meals for the church freezer last Friday. They are stored in the downstairs kitchen freezer and also upstairs kitchen freezer. Pray the power stays on.
We have: 9 chicken and rice casseroles, 3 beef & cabbage on yellow rice, 3 lentil soups, 11 white chicken chili, 10 pork BBQ and Hawaiian rolls. Please come and take them to whoever needs them.
Want to help? There are so many ways you can help and the need is sure to be greater than before! Please CLICK HEREto see options or send your name, cell phone and email to Jett Tanner at jett.tanner@gmail.com or by text at 813-625-0251. Please click above to send the form if possible. Jett will match you with someone in need.
Thanks for cooking to: Marion Swartz, Annie Shipherd, Heather Shipherd, Sandy Kennedy, Mckenzie Smith, Lynda Waters, Jett Tanner, Sharon Smith, and Renee Gardner (photographer).
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news,” Mister Rogers said to his television neighbors, “my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers.You will always find people who are helping.‘” Oct 29, 2018
Please Donate to our own HPPC Disaster Emergency FundMany of our members were affected by Hurricane Helene, some losing nearly everything to the flood. Our emergency fund is not capable of addressing such widespread and deeply significant damage. If you would like to help monetarily, here is how.
If you are writing a check to Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, or through your Bill Pay, note Disaster Emergency Fund. Thank you!
Let us know if you are affected, so we can help!
CLICK HEREto send an email to Jett Tanner who is coordinating various needs (There’s a form in this email). We can deliver sandwiches to your clean up site or temporary residence, we have masks, gloves, disinfecting wipes, bath towels and more. You can also reach out to Jett at 813-813-625-0251.
Please keep everyone in your prayers!
October 13th Worship in the Sanctuary at 10 am Rev. John Hougen, PastorChildren are “shepherded out” of Worship after the Children’s Time for
Sunday School and activities until Noon.
11:00 – Adult Class: conversation on stories ripped from the headlines.
The Worship Service will be live-streamed on our Hyde Park Presbyterian Church YouTube channel under LIVE! CLICK HEREto go to the page.
CLICKfor a 90-second video of what’s in store for this Sunday.
Check it out with Rev. John Hougen on the Hyde Park Presbyterian Church Facebook page ….and be sure to join us Sunday.
Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, 1309 W Swann Ave., Tampa FL 33606
813-253-0069 office@hydeparkpres.com HydeParkPres.com