It is with warm wishes that I announce the retirement of our Financial Secretary, Kathy Baumann. Kathy has been the rock of this church for 33 years. Her knowledge of the mechanics of HPPC has helped me so much during my first years here, and Kathy’s institutional knowledge of this church has been such an asset. She has taken great care of all of us while being a faithful steward of the sacred trust of the church financials.
Kathy has touched so many at Hyde Park Presbyterian Church over the years. She never failed to promptly respond to members who called or emailed her, or explain church accounting procedures, and she would always answer the countless questions from elders. We will all miss her warm smile, sweet presence and diligence. Over the past six months Kathy has been passing the torch to Kimber George who will be taking on her role next year. You may still catch a glimpse of Kathy from time to time in the church office as she will be doing a little consulting for us in 2020.
I’ll share one story of Kathy that you may not know. Time and time again she has used this story from Mark 12:41-44 and it will always remind me of her.
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. 43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”
Kathy has seen it as her duty to look out for all the copper coins for over 30 years.
Rev. James D. Friesen
We will honor Kathy for her contributions in a farewell reception at 12:15 pm on December 15th, right after the traditional service. Each of you is invited to attend.
At this gathering, we will present a Love Gift to Kathy. Please send your contributions to Kimber in the church office by Wednesday, December 11 or place them in the offering plate by Sunday, December 8th, clearly marked as the Love Offering for Kathy. Please call the church office with any questions you might have.
If you would like to donate online, you can do so here: