December 14, 2022 – Newsletter

TONIGHT! 12/14  Christmas Karaoke
Release your inner Mariah Carey or Nat King Cole and sing along or alone to your favorite Christmas Songs

12/21  Birthday Party for Jesus
Celebrate the birth of Jesus with a Traditional Birthday Party! All ages welcome!

All Advent programs are for all ages (so no child care) and end no later than 8:00 pm. Click on above dates to register ($10 dinner deadline is Sunday night prior or bring your own) through Church Center. Paper forms are available at church to pay by check.

New Horizons Band Concert
Sunday, December 18th @ 3:00 pm

The New Horizons band, directed by our own Bryan Alspach, will be performing in the HPPC Sanctuary. This is sure to be a lively and uplifting performance. Donations are welcome. Come and enjoy!

Rev. James will be leading the Blue Christmas Service on Sunday evening at 6:00 at the MacDill Chapel of Blount & Curry on MacDill Ave. If you or someone you know struggles at this time of year, this is a service of remembrance and hope.
In Person Worship at 10 am; also Live Streamed.
At 10:00 am, Click To View Online Worship Serviceor watch it later.

Sunday School Classes for Children and Adults at 11:00 am.
Miss Ilma is presenting an engaging focus on the Christmas story or the children. Adults will be following the themes of Advent in the sermon series with video, scripture, and discussion.

If you would like to contribute for a Poinsettia or two to brighten up our Sanctuary, please send $20 via any of our payment methods, including the Church Center app. Please designate the Fund for Flowers or Beautification, and send it this week. You may take yours home after the Christmas Eve service.

Advent Devotionals Available!

If you want a family or adult devotional booklet for advent, it isn’t too late.
See Miss Ilma or Sarah Friesen to get yours!

Prayers in the Chapel 
Wednesdays, 5:00-7:00 pm

Pop in after work, or before the Wednesday Advent Program to pray in the stillness and  “hear that voice crying out in the desert.” If you are not sure how or where to start, prayers, devotionals, and music are available.

Sun. 12/25 Christmas Day Worship @ 10am
Come as you are: Christmas Day casual worship. No child care or classes.

Sun. 1/1 New Year’s Day Worship @ 10am
“Run for the Border” with guest pastor Rev. Tony Winter. No child care or classes.

Sun. 1/8 Kids Linger Longer Noon – 3 pm

Sunday School for Kids  at 11:00 am

Kindergarten & Up Miss Ilma has prepared engaging programs on The Christmas Story the grade school kids won’t want to miss!

Cozy Corner Nursery: age appropriate activities for newborns through Pre-Kindergarten.

All Children begin classes in the Chapel immediately after the Worship service with singing.

Your Link to Life & Events at HPPC

Download the app for Church Center from the App Store
Search/locate Hyde Park Presbyterian
Fill out ALL your family information, including children.

Improvements are constantly being made, and it’s even easier to register for events, child care at events, dinner at events and pay for it right there.

Need help!? Bailey is available after worship to help get you get set up and Sarah is also available in the Learning Center.