EVENTS & FELLOWSHIP Crosswalkers Dinner at Kim Brannan’s Tuesday, Dec. 17 @ 6:30pm The “young-ish” adult dinner and discussion will be at Kim Brannan’s this month: 5013 S Elberon St. Tampa 33611. You will get a chance to meet and chat...
HURRICANE MILTON EDITION Look for the helpers: would you like to join us? We have food now! A small but mighty Feeding Friends team cooked up some meals for the church freezer last Friday. They are stored in the downstairs kitchen freezer and also upstairs...
EVENTS & FELLOWSHIP Session and Staff Gather for BBQ and Camaraderie The members of the HPPC Session, along with the staff of our church gathered together last night for fun and fellowship at the lovely new home of Stacey and Josh Crum, where Josh slow-smoked ribs...
EVENTS & FELLOWSHIP You Are a Difference Maker is the theme for October stewardship month. Watch your mail and communications for more information, and come enjoy some fellowship! Fellowship Events for Stewardship Season 2022 at HPPC Fri,...
Save these dates, because December gets very, very busy! Nov 19 Friday – 9:30am – Cooking to fill our Freezer (volunteers needed) Nov 19 Friday – 6- 9pm – Kids’ Night Out Nov 28 – Sunday 10am – Advent Sermon series begins Dec...
The Hyde Park Presbyterian church work day you’ve been waiting for is finally coming! But we promise to rein in the over-zealous and even keep it short. Just one beautiful Saturday morning in October from 9 to 11:30. Nothing more than a little brass polishing,...