EVENTS & FELLOWSHIP Coming soon, to a church near you.See You in September (bring a friend)!Fall Kickoff Sunday: Wear your favorite team t-shirt, kids move up in classes, fun and fellowship.WWJJD? What Would John Jr. Drink? Kim Brannan will be...
EVENTS & FELLOWSHIP Love Gift for Miss IlmaWant to give a love gift to Ilma, our Director of Children’s Ministry, in appreciation of her love and instruction with our infants, toddlers and K-5 kids?Make a check payable to HPPC with Love Gift noted. Or check...
View this email in your browser EVENTS & FELLOWSHIP Ice Cream, YES! Visitors & New Friends, YES! But wait … there’s more!Join us after Worship in the shade of the oaks (or cool from the A/C in the sanctuary by the French doors) on August 6 for a...
EVENTS & FELLOWSHIP End of Summer (we wish!) Ice Cream Social Sunday Aug. 6 Parents are celebrating Back to School, Grown-ups are just groaning that summer won’t be over until Christmas, Kida are enjoying the playground, and we hope that those walking along...
View this email in your browser EVENTS & FELLOWSHIP Sunday! July 16: Summer Spanish Lunch & Fellowship Immediately following worship on Sunday, July 16, join us as we gather to enjoy Cuban Sandwiches and The Columbia’s Famous 1905 Salad for...
EVENTS & FELLOWSHIP Kids Linger Longer, Grown-Ups Get a Leisurely Lunch! Sign up the kids to stay after Sunday School for lunch, play and good times with friends while grown-ups go play with their friends … or just grab a little quiet “me time.”...