Not a goodbye, but a “See you later!” Sabrina, recent graduate of Gaither High School, recorded this video for her Hyde Park Pres family before she heads off to study at University of Central Florida. Keep her in your prayers as she sets off on her...
Hyde Park Presbyterian Congregation, Please pray for our community, which will be impacted in many different ways, especially the elderly, ill, hungry, and those who will be out of work or school because of this pandemic. We encourage you all to stay connected with...
Donate for Love Gift It is with warm wishes that I announce the retirement of our Financial Secretary, Kathy Baumann. Kathy has been the rock of this church for 33 years. Her knowledge of the mechanics of HPPC has helped me so much during my first...
Thank you all for attending our very first Consecration Sunday. We held a unified service and 84 people were in attendance. The praise team and the choir filled the room with beautiful worship music. Reverend Jim Capps spoke and shared a...
Consecration Sunday will be October 20th. This is a new opportunity for worshiping together, giving together, and celebrating together. Join us for a 10:00 am Unified Worship Service in the Sanctuary followed by a catered Family Luncheon in the upstairs Fellowship...
On August 22nd Over 40 elders attended the inaugural meeting for the HPPC College of Elders. In the PCUSA, elders are ordained for life and just because one may no longer serve on the Session does not mean that their obligations are over. The College of...